LCF Camp


March 3rd 2024  Sunday Worship
April    7th 2024  Sunday Worship

May 11th.,2024
ພື້ນຟູ ບຸລຸດ ແລະສັຕຣີ……   Findlay    Saturday   Matthew 7:13-14 Narrow Gate

June 2nd., 2024  Sunday Worship
July  7th.,  2024  Sunday Worship


July 26-28th., 2024   Summer Camp In Findlay OH….,Lao New Life Baptist

                                  Titus 3:1-10 Order to do Good


The Vine Center ULSB Camp June 27-29th.,2024




Camp Luz  July  3-5th., 2020 

LCF Camp  

Theme  Patience in Suffering

James 5: 7-11

152 Kidron Rd., Orrville, OH 44667

Get Directions   Phone number (330) 683-1246
Business website



LCF Camp  2019

August 2-4/2019          Camp Luz

Theme: Hebrews 4:12-13

The Word of God is alive and active


Friday August 2nd, 2019

          5:00pm-7:00pm Register (1yr-3yrs free) 4yrs & up $ 65.00

          7:00pm-7:15pm   Welcomeing ກ່າວຕ້ອນຮັບ By LCF president

          7:15pm-8:15pm   Worship Rev KP Vannavongsa

          8:15pm-11:00pm Talent Shows


Saturday 3rd, 2019

          7:00am-8:00am "Devotion" Bro. Insom Jakjai

          8:00am-9:00am " Breakfast"

          9:00am-09:40am   Bible Study Rev.Pheng Phongsavath                        

          9:40am-10:40am   Bible Study Pastor KV. Saenthavisouk

          11:00am- 12:00pm Worship Lead By Pastor. KD Phommavichith

                                         Offering For LCF

          12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch

          01:00pm-03:30pm Tranning

                        Men ministry lead by KP V. & Waeng P.

                        Women Lead By  Mrs.Sompheng Thirakoune

          3:30pm-7:00pm Group Picture and Sports

          7:00pm-8:00pm   Worship Rev. Vithaya Osa

                         Offering For Lao Mission     

          8:00pm-11:00pm Talent Shows

Sunday 4th, 2019

          7:00am-8:00am "Devotion" Rev.SL Xaiyarath

          8:00am-9:30am " Bible Study" lead by Rev. V. Paphanchith

          9:30am-10:30am    Brunch                    

          10:30am-11:30am  Worship Lead By Dr. Rev. Oudone Thirakoune

                                         Offering For LCF

          1130am- 12:00pm          Report by Youth Ministry

                                                 Report by Women Ministry

                                                 Report by Men Ministry

                                                 2019 Final report By LCF Secretay

                                         and Closing Pray By LCF President














Camp Luz    August 3rd-5th .,2018

Camp Luz    152 Kidron Rd., Orrville, OH 44667
Get Directions   Phone number (330) 683-1246
Business website

August 3-5th 2018          Carry your own cross " Matthew 16:24-26"





2017 LCA Camp

Romans: 12:9-21

Joyful In Life    ຍິນດີໃນຊີວິດໄໝ່     ยินดีในชีวิตใหม่Friday Service

5:00pm 7:00pm Register ລົງທະບຽນ (register fee  $70.00/person)

7:00pm-7:15pm Welcomeing ກ່າວຕ້ອນຮັບ By LCA president

7:15pm-8:15pm Worship Messenger By Rev. Soulin Xayarath

Saturday Service     Saturday Service    Saturday Service

7:00am-8:00am     Devotion    By  Rev. Khamhong Vannavongsa
8:00am-9:00am     Breakfast
9:00am-9:45am     Bible Study    Kavin Saenthavisouk
10:00am 10:45am  Bible Study   Rev. Vien Paphanchith  
11:00am-12:00pm  Worship        Rev. Pheng Phongsavath

1:00pm-3:30pm  Trainning        Men                           women
1:00pm- 1:45pm               Rev. Phong Vannavongsa      Keo paphanchith
1:45pm- 2:30pm               Weng Phaengroth                 Viengkham Xaiyarath         
2:30pm- 3:30pm               C. Daraphet                         Y. Lithpraseuth

3:30pm-7:00pm Group picture & Sports

7:00pm-8:00pm  Worship Messenger By Rev. Vien Paphanchith

8:00pm-11:00pm Special service
          Columbus, Ohio
          Findlay, Ohio
          Madison, Ohio
          Toledo, Ohio
          Warren, Michigan

Sunday Service   Sunday Service      Sunday Service

 7:00am-8:00am Devotion By   Kavin Seanthavisouk      Findlay ,OH
 8:15am- 9:15am Bible Study   by Rev Soulin Xaiyarath  Toledo,  OH
 9:30am-10:30am Brunch
10:30am-11:30am Worship
                 Messenger By KD. Phommachith From       Madison, OH

11:30am-12:00pm Report Camp result 2016 And Closing pray



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